Yoga for MEG Gregory
7 hace meses

Purco Fraud

We rented a car in Bozeman from Hertz in May. We did not take the insurance (lesson learned). Returned the vehicle after 10 days with no damage. Received a receipt the same day, and there was no reference to damage with the receipt. A month later we received a claim from Purco for a chip in the windshield in the amount of $1300. This cost was for complete replacement of the windshield. We attempted to challenge the claim to no avail. The claim included a quote from the business that supposedly replaced the windshield, so we called the business and asked what had been done to the windshield for the work order we received with the claim. We were told the chip had been REPAIRED, not replaced.

We go back to Purco with this information and they refused to modify the claim value. After researching Purco and the Hertz franchise, we found names of high level executives at the franchise holder for Hertz. We sent a very polite email to them explaining the entire situation. Within an hour I had an emIl back from them, apologizing for the claim and asking the Purco manager to close the claim.

This took nearly 2 months of time and research to get closed, but we were happy with the result. Our new motto is "Don't mess with retired people...all we have is time to fight your fraud"

I would be curious to know if others who have encountered similar issues declined the insurance. I feel that they may target those who decline.