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The idea is really, really simple: SportsWave helps you get back to playing your favorite sports, just like you used to back in school and college. Consider us at the 2.0 version of your cherished neighborhood playground. As they say, you just have to turn up in pair of shoes and with loads of enthusiasm. They take care of everything else - grounds & courts, playing equipment, network of sports enthusiasts. If you are not in the mood to read through the text, here is a Comic version of the concept that might interest you. The fun does not stop there. For us every one of you is a sports star, and they leave no stones unturned to treat you that way. That's why they have features such as video highlights on their Youtube channel, picture albums on their Facebook page, personal stats updated in your user profile, reports & scorecard of every match you play. You will never miss a chance to brag about that huge six you hit or that amazing goal you scored, and share the evidence with your friends!

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