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Landmarkonthenet is the largest online store in india which sells the products like Books, Music, Movies & Gaming, Stationery, Magazines, Gifts, Home store Products, Tech Zone Items, Toys and also conducts events. Landmark is the largest book, movie and music retail store in India with turnover in excess of Rs 200 crores and is arguably the only long tail range based book and music retailer in India. Landmark has the widest range of titles i.e. over 120,000 titles across different sections - bestsellers, business guides, fiction, biographies, computer science, literature, marketing, art, cinema, religion, graphic novels and many more. Landmark features an extensive selection of music in English, Hindi and other regional languages include Indian classical, jazz, western classical, regional, Hindi, pop, rock, blues, country, nursery rhymes. Landmark houses a wide range of movies in VCD/DVD and Blu-ray formats. From regional to western to animation to musicals to world movies, Landmark has it all.

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