2 hace meses



After over 40 years of renting, I ended up at a Skyline managed apartment.

During my 3 years in this building, they have overstepped their boundaries so many times it's beyond reason.

3 weeks into my first month there, I get a notice on my door saying "You made a mistake on the deposit and rent, the rent is now $75 more than you signed on your lease. You will need to bring us a cashiers check for $150, for the rent and damage deposit - ASAP". I email them a screenshot from my lease and tell them I'm not paying more. Oh, it was a mistake they say. Then they go ahead and auto-withdrawl an extra $75 with my rent for the next 3 months as I keep complaining and they keep promising to credit me on the next rent. On the third month, they finally fixed it.

2 months after I move into a brand new suite(first person ever living in this new apartment), I get notice that it's time for the 6 month inspection - then 2 people show up and proceed to go through my bedroom, closet, deck... through my entire home cause they need to "check it out".

Then the control on the window blind breaks, lease says I can't change it - need Skyline to fix it. 2 years, 3 suite inspections(reported over and over), 6 emails - and I'm still waiting for my blinds to get fixed or replaced. They tell me it's ordered, it's on the way - 6 months later, they tell me the blinds are illegal in Canada so they can't replace them.

My heat goes out, and it takes 5 weeks and 11 visits to my suite to fix the heat pump.

One day someone starts banging on my door, they don't' say anything though. I open the door and some maintenance guy is standing at my door yelling that my suite is leaking water into the hallway. I look in my kitchen, under the sink and you can see some water under the pipes, but there isn't anything obvious. He runs in and turns off the water to my sink. Some other guy with a suit walks into my suite and starts yelling at me that I'm supposed to be monitoring the water and making sure it doesn't leak out into the hallway. I really have no idea what responsibilities I have for the hallway, if the water was leaking onto the floor in my kitchen, I'd be dealing with it - but if it's leaking into the wall and out of my suite - it's out of my hands. So, this jerk keeps on yelling and putting me down until I tell him he needs to leave now. I finally get him out and find that he's some sort of regional Skyline manager that shouldn't even be entering the tenant's suites. Like seriously? He didn't enter my home to fix anything, or help with anything - he just walked in the door and yelled at me for a leak that isn't showing in my suite.

Then I put in notice on the first of the month, that I'm leaving on the last day - but I get told, oh no - you can't do that, it has to be the day before the first day of the month, so you can rent it yourself or just pay us another $1600 rent.

Oh yeah, not to mention, they will guarantee to raise your rent every year on your anniversary by the fullest amount allowed by law, and once you are paying for parking - they will increase your parking fees by the same amount as your rent each year. Any place they can squeeze out another dime or 2, they are taking it.

I put in my notice to move out at the end of this month, and now 2 weeks before I leave, they needed to come in for another inspection, this time all they wanted was to take pictures of all my possessions. Literally stood in my kitchen and took a wide picture of my living room, went into the living room and took a wide picture of my kitchen. Went into my bedroom and bathroom and took full pictures of all my stuff. Didn't ask what was broken, didn't ask if I thought there was an issue. Didn't check any taps, none of the locks or windows - just took pictures of my stuff. The ultimate indignity to just walk into someone's home and take pictures of their life without any permission nor purpose at all.

I don't understand the audacity of this company. They treat every tenant as though we are the worst tenant they have had and that they need to force idiotic rules and home invasions onto us. Back off and leave your tenants alone, focus on the problems and be kind to those of us that have always been great tenants.


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