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9 hace meses

I recently left my cat at Meadowhill cattery and i...

I recently left my cat at Meadowhill cattery and it was a great experience overall. The staff were friendly and took good care of my cat. The facilities were clean and well-maintained, and my cat seemed happy and comfortable during her stay. I appreciated the regular updates and photos. I would definitely choose Meadowhill cattery again.

10 hace meses

My experience with this cattery was average. The s...

My experience with this cattery was average. The staff were friendly, and my cat seemed well looked after during her stay. However, I expected the facilities to be a bit cleaner. Overall, it was a decent experience, but I would consider other options next time.

10 hace meses

This cattery was amazing! 😺 The staff were so frie...

This cattery was amazing! 😺 The staff were so friendly and caring toward my cat. The facilities were clean and spacious, and I liked that they provided regular updates and photos. It gave me peace of mind knowing that my cat was in good hands. I would definitely choose this cattery again in the future!

11 hace meses

I had a really positive experience with this catte...

I had a really positive experience with this cattery. The staff were friendly and knowledgeable, and they made sure that my cat was well looked after during her stay. The facilities were clean and spacious, and I liked that they provided regular updates on how my cat was doing. I highly recommend Meadowhill cattery to other cat owners!

11 hace meses

I had a wonderful experience with Meadowhill catte...

I had a wonderful experience with Meadowhill cattery! 😺 The staff were welcoming and attentive, and they made sure that my cat was well taken care of. The facilities were clean and spacious, and I appreciated the regular updates and photos. I would highly recommend Meadowhill cattery to other cat owners!

Hace 1 año

I recently used a cattery for my cat, and I had a ...

I recently used a cattery for my cat, and I had a great experience. The staff were friendly and took good care of my cat. The facilities were clean and comfortable, and I liked that they provided regular updates on how my cat was doing. I would highly recommend this cattery to other pet owners.

Hace 1 año

I recently left my cat at a cattery while I was on...

I recently left my cat at a cattery while I was on vacation and had a great experience. The staff were very attentive and took good care of my cat. The facilities were clean and spacious, and I liked that they provided regular updates on how my cat was doing. I would definitely recommend this cattery to other pet owners looking for a trustworthy place to leave their cats.

Hace 1 año

I recently took my cat to Meadowhill cattery, and ...

I recently took my cat to Meadowhill cattery, and it was a great experience overall. The staff were friendly and attentive, and my cat seemed to enjoy her stay. The facilities were clean and comfortable, and I appreciated the regular updates. I would recommend this cattery to other cat owners.

Hace 1 año

The Meadowhill cattery provided excellent service....

The Meadowhill cattery provided excellent service. The staff were friendly and professional, and my cat was well taken care of during her stay. The facilities were clean and comfortable, and I appreciated the regular updates and photos that were sent to me while I was away. I highly recommend Meadowhill cattery to anyone in need of a reliable and trustworthy cattery.

Hace 1 año

I am really impressed with Meadowhill cattery! The...

I am really impressed with Meadowhill cattery! They provide excellent service and truly care about the well-being of the cats. The staff are friendly and attentive, and the facilities are clean and comfortable. They even offer regular updates and photos, which is a nice touch. I would highly recommend Meadowhill cattery to anyone in need of a reliable cattery.

Hace 1 año

I had an amazing experience with Meadowhill catter...

I had an amazing experience with Meadowhill cattery! 😺 The staff were so friendly and caring, and they made sure my cat felt comfortable during her stay. The facilities were clean and well-maintained, and I appreciated the attention to detail. I received regular updates and photos, which gave me peace of mind. I will definitely choose Meadowhill cattery again in the future!

Hace 1 año

I recently used a cattery for my cat, and it was a...

I recently used a cattery for my cat, and it was a positive experience. The staff were attentive and caring, and my cat seemed well-adjusted during her stay. The facilities were clean and comfortable, and I appreciated the regular updates on my cat's well-being. I would recommend this cattery to other cat owners.

Alrededor de Meadowhill cattery

Meadowhill Boarding Cattery: un refugio seguro y cómodo para tus amigos felinos

Meadowhill Boarding Cattery es un criadero seguro y cómodo ubicado en la frondosa zona de Midlothian, a solo cinco millas al sur de Edimburgo. El criadero está diseñado para proporcionar a tus amigos felinos un hogar lejos del hogar mientras estás de vacaciones o en viajes de negocios.

En Meadowhill Boarding Cattery, entendemos que dejar atrás a su amigo peludo puede ser estresante. Por eso hemos creado un ambiente cálido y acogedor donde tu gato se sentirá como en casa. Nuestro experimentado personal es un apasionado de los gatos y se asegurará de que su mascota reciba la mejor atención posible durante su estadía con nosotros.

Nuestras facilidades

Nuestras instalaciones están diseñadas para brindar el máximo confort a nuestros huéspedes felinos. Tenemos recintos interiores espaciosos que se calientan durante los meses más fríos para mantener a su gato cálido y acogedor. Cada recinto tiene mucho espacio para que tu gato se mueva libremente, estire las piernas, juegue con juguetes o simplemente se relaje.

También tenemos carreras al aire libre donde los gatos pueden disfrutar del aire fresco y el sol mientras están encerrados de manera segura dentro de nuestras instalaciones. Nuestros parques al aire libre están equipados con estructuras para escalar, postes para rascar, juguetes y otras comodidades que mantendrán a su gato entretenido durante su estadía.

Nuestros servicios

En Meadowhill Boarding Cattery, ofrecemos una variedad de servicios diseñados para satisfacer las necesidades de cada gato en particular. Entendemos que cada gato es único y tiene diferentes requisitos en lo que respecta a la alimentación, el ejercicio y la atención.

Ofrecemos rutinas de alimentación diarias basadas en los requisitos dietéticos de cada individuo, así como sesiones regulares de ejercicio en nuestras carreras al aire libre o áreas de juego bajo techo, según las condiciones climáticas.

También brindamos servicios de aseo como cepillado o baño a pedido para que su mascota luzca lo mejor posible cuando regrese de vacaciones.

Nuestro equipo

En Meadowhill Boarding Cattery, nos enorgullecemos de contar con un equipo experimentado de miembros del personal que aman a los gatos y les apasiona brindar el mejor cuidado posible a su mascota. Los miembros de nuestro personal están capacitados para manejar gatos de todas las edades, razas y temperamentos.

Entendemos que dejar a su gato puede ser estresante, por lo que nos aseguramos de que los miembros de nuestro personal brinden mucho amor, atención y afecto a cada gato a nuestro cuidado. También nos aseguramos de que los miembros de nuestro personal estén disponibles las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana para atender cualquier emergencia o inquietud que pueda tener durante la estadía de su mascota con nosotros.

Nuestro compromiso

En Meadowhill Boarding Cattery, nos comprometemos a brindar el mejor cuidado posible a sus amigos felinos. Entendemos que los gatos no son solo mascotas, sino parte de la familia, por lo que los tratamos con el mismo amor y respeto que a nuestras propias mascotas.

Nos enorgullecemos de mantener un ambiente limpio e higiénico para nuestros huéspedes para que se mantengan saludables y felices durante su estadía con nosotros. También nos aseguramos de que todos los gatos bajo nuestro cuidado reciban controles de salud regulares de un veterinario calificado para que cualquier problema médico pueda abordarse de inmediato.


Si está buscando un albergue seguro y cómodo donde su amigo felino reciba una atención de primer nivel mientras está de vacaciones o en un viaje de negocios, ¡no busque más allá del albergue Meadowhill! Nuestro personal experimentado brindará mucho amor, atención y afecto a cada gato a nuestro cuidado para que se sientan como en casa durante su estadía con nosotros. ¡Contáctenos hoy para reservar las próximas vacaciones de su gato!
